This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.



Tutorial Timetable

Our tutorial IDs are different from LumiNUS. Format: CS2103T-W09 means a tutorial of CS2103T module, held on Wednesday at 0900, and so on.

Zoom links for tutorial sessions will be available in LumiNUS/Weblinks, from week 3 Tuesday (i.e., 1 day before the first tutorial of the semester).

Module Venue Time Tutorial ID
in LumiNUS

(don't use this!)
Our Tutorial ID
(use this!)
(contact details)
CS2103T Wed 09:00 TG10 CS2103T-W09 Darius, Benedict
CS2103T Wed 11:00 TG01 CS2103T-W11 Yee Hong, Shao Yi
CS2103T Wed 12:00 TG02 CS2103T-W12 Darius, Shao Yi
CS2103T Wed 13:00 TG04 CS2103T-W13 Javier, Ivan
CS2103T Wed 14:00 TG03 CS2103T-W14 Vimuth, Danny
CS2103T Wed 15:00 TG08 CS2103T-W15 Zheng Yong, Danny
 CS2103  Wed 16:00 T01 CS2103-W16 Joel, Yu Ting
 CS2103  Wed 17:00 T02 CS2103-W17 Joel, Tan Jin
CS2103T Thu 09:00 TG13 CS2103T-T09 Ganesh, Jun Xiong
CS2103T Thu 11:00 TG05 CS2103T-T11 Yongliang, Jun Xiong
CS2103T Thu 12:00 TG06 CS2103T-T12 Ganesh, Huiting
CS2103T Thu 13:00 TG09 CS2103T-T13 Nuwan, Huiting
CS2103T Thu 17:00 TG11 CS2103T-T17 Nuwan, Yong Kang
 CS2103  Fri 09:00 T03 CS2103-F09 Jolyn, Danny
 CS2103  Fri 10:00 T04 CS2103-F10 Danny
 CS2103  Fri 11:00 T05 CS2103-F11 Samuel, Danny

Tutorial Structure

The mode

  • Tutorials will be conducted using Zoom.
  • MS Teams will be used for file sharing.
  • A tutorial group is handled by two tutors. Each tutor will work with two teams.
  • The tutor will facilitate tutorial activities, observe your progress, and give feedback.

Slides and tutorial recordings:

  • The Zoom recording of a tutorial will be made available to you after the tutorial.
  • Slides used in tutorials will not be distributed to students. You are expected to take notes (or screenshots) during the tutorial as necessary. Reasons:
    1. Tutorial slides are meant to help the tutor deliver the tutorial, and not meant to be used as reference materials for you to study later). When some content is suitable as a reference material, we'll provide you a copy of it.
    2. To encourage some level of active engagement with the materials (e.g., taking notes) which is known to increase retention.
    3. To discourage 'no need to bother now; can look at the slides near the exam' attitude -- because most of the materials covered in tutorials are applicable to the project immediately.

The role of our tutors is different from tutors in other modules.

  • Not a source of admin information: Given the humongous amount of admin info contained in this module and the fact that it is constantly evolving, tutors may not be aware of the recent subtle changes to the admin information. To safeguard you from receiving incorrect admin info, tutors are prohibited from answering admin queries. If you have an admin query, please post in the forum (or email the prof at but only if the question is not appropriate for the forum).

  • No inputs for yet-to-be-graded components: Tutors are prohibited from giving inputs for components not graded yet. Reason: work submitted for grading should be your own.

  • No direct tech help: Tutors are prohibited from giving direct technical help, other than to give you some general direction to finding a solution. Rationale: We want you to learn the vital survival skill of troubleshooting technical problems.

  • No ‘mini-lectures’: Tutors are prohibited from 'teaching' concepts that are covered in lectures or other learning resources given to you (reason: self-learning is a vital part of the module). For example, the tutor will not do a mini-lecture at the start of the tutorial. Of course tutors can help you clarify doubts under the right circumstances.


  • Please refer to the Schedule page for further details on each tutorial.
  • You are expected to be present on time. Punctuality is considered for participation marks.
  • In the past, many students have requested to increase the tutorial duration because a mere hour is barely enough to get through all the tutorial tasks. Increasing the tutorial time is not possible due to lack of venues and tutors. Instead, let's try to make the best of the one hour available by coming well prepared and starting on time. Note that the better prepared you are, the higher the chance of completing all activities allocated to a tutorial within time.


  • Your conduct in tutorials will be evaluated by team members and the tutor which can affect your participation marks.
